Load Time791 ms - Unicorn powered webserver!
Querying Time494 ms
Memory Peak Usage30.0 Mb
Included Files740 files - 11.40 Mb
PrestaShop Cache- Mb
Global vars1.15 Mb
PrestaShop Version1.7.5.0
PHP Version7.2.33 (OK)
MySQL Version8.0.32 (OK)
Memory Limit15000M
Max Execution Time3000s
Smarty Cacheenabled
Smarty Compilationnever recompile
 TimeCumulated TimeMemory UsageMemory Peak Usage
config 52 ms 52 ms 5.25 Mb 5.28 Mb
__construct 0 ms 52 ms - Mb 5.28 Mb
init 11 ms 63 ms 1.50 Mb 6.80 Mb
checkAccess 0 ms 63 ms - Mb 6.80 Mb
setMedia 22 ms 85 ms 0.55 Mb 7.43 Mb
postProcess 0 ms 85 ms - Mb 7.43 Mb
initHeader 0 ms 85 ms - Mb 7.43 Mb
initContent 405 ms 491 ms 8.17 Mb 15.49 Mb
initFooter 0 ms 491 ms - Mb 15.49 Mb
display 301 ms 791 ms 13.42 Mb 30.00 Mb
Hook Time Memory Usage
0 hooks - ms - Mb
Module Time Memory Usage
0 modules - ms - Mb

Stopwatch SQL - 777 queries

Query Time (ms) Rows Filesort Group By Location
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT `id_product`) FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `id_product` != 0 LIMIT 1
174.6 31085 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:283
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop
FROM `ps_configuration` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`)
9 7408 /classes/Configuration.php:160
DELETE FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE template_hash='9dd148274295a11b4e73a2d53e0a5215' AND cache_id LIKE "angarcontact|1|1|1|5|1|21%"
7.3 1 /classes/Smarty/SmartyCustom.php:297
FROM `ps_category` a0
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `a1` ON (a0.`id_category` = a1.`id_category`)
WHERE (a0.`nleft` < 359) AND (a0.`nright` > 360) AND (a1.`id_lang` = 5)
ORDER BY a0.`nleft` asc
5.6 2124 Yes /classes/PrestaShopCollection.php:373
FROM `ps_category` a0
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `a1` ON (a0.`id_category` = a1.`id_category`)
WHERE (a0.`nleft` < 359) AND (a0.`nright` > 360) AND (a1.`id_lang` = 5)
ORDER BY a0.`nleft` asc
5 2124 Yes /classes/PrestaShopCollection.php:373
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.id_parent, c.id_category,, cl.description, cl.link_rewrite
FROM `ps_category` c
INNER JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = 5 AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
INNER JOIN `ps_category_shop` cs ON (cs.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = 1)
WHERE (c.`active` = 1 OR c.`id_category` = 2)
AND c.`id_category` != 1
AND nleft >= 2 AND nright <= 1061
AND c.id_category IN (
SELECT id_category
FROM `ps_category_group`
WHERE `id_group` IN (1)
ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, cs.`position` DESC
4.2 531 Yes /modules/ps_categorytree/ps_categorytree.php:166
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayAfterTitleTag"
3.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page` (`page`, `id_object`, `id_product_attribute`, `ip`, `file_cache`, `request_uri`, `id_shop`, `id_lang`, `id_currency`, `id_country`, `has_customer`, `has_cart`, `click`, `file_size`, `user_agent`, `date_add`, `date_expired`) VALUES ('category', '1127', '0', '', '75c437eefc5543b55682f6da2b8248860e3721a9df02d61f01b78e42cd25d63a', '/es/monster-695/', '1', '5', '1', '21', '0', '0', '1', '0', '', '2025-01-16 02:48:30', '2025-01-21 02:48:30')
3.8 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:551
DELETE FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE template_hash='ffa1d4adc0c9ac5814180b89d03157e2' AND cache_id LIKE "angarcontact|1|1|1|5|1|21%"
3.4 1 /classes/Smarty/SmartyCustom.php:297
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE h.`name` as hook, m.`id_module`, h.`id_hook`, m.`name` as module
FROM `ps_module` m
INNER JOIN ps_module_shop module_shop
ON (module_shop.id_module = m.id_module AND module_shop.id_shop = 1 AND module_shop.enable_device & 1)
INNER JOIN `ps_module_shop` `ms` ON ms.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
INNER JOIN `ps_hook_module` `hm` ON hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
INNER JOIN `ps_hook` `h` ON hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook`
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_group` `mg` ON mg.`id_module` = m.`id_module`
WHERE (h.`name` != "paymentOptions") AND (hm.`id_shop` = 1) AND (mg.id_shop = 1 AND  mg.`id_group` IN (1))
GROUP BY hm.id_hook, hm.id_module
ORDER BY hm.`position`
3.3 1515 Yes Yes /override/classes/Hook.php:155
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="moduleRoutes"
3.2 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="productSearchProvider"
3.1 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT INTO `ps_guest` (`id_operating_system`, `id_web_browser`, `id_customer`, `javascript`, `screen_resolution_x`, `screen_resolution_y`, `screen_color`, `sun_java`, `adobe_flash`, `adobe_director`, `apple_quicktime`, `real_player`, `windows_media`, `accept_language`, `mobile_theme`) VALUES ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'en', '0')
3 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:551
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayNav2"
2.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionObjectUpdateAfter"
2.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayTop"
2.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayNavFullWidth"
2.8 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayProductListReviews"
2.8 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayAfterBodyOpeningTag"
2.8 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayBeforeBodyClosingTag"
2.8 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionDispatcherBefore"
2.8 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="filterProductSearch"
2.7 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionObjectAddAfter"
2.7 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayFooter"
2.7 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayNav1"
2.7 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayProductPriceBlock"
2.7 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) AS quantity, IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute, 0) AS id_product_attribute,
product_attribute_shop.minimal_quantity AS product_attribute_minimal_quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`,
pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, image_shop.`id_image` id_image,
il.`legend` as legend, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, cl.`name` AS category_default,
DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB("2025-01-16 00:00:00",
INTERVAL 30 DAY)) > 0 AS new, product_shop.price AS orderprice
FROM `ps_category_product` cp
LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p
ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1) LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` product_attribute_shop
ON (p.`id_product` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product` AND product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1 AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock
ON (stock.id_product = `p`.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1  AND stock.id_shop_group = 0  )
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category`
AND cl.`id_lang` = 5 AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl
ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
AND pl.`id_lang` = 5 AND pl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop
ON (image_shop.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND image_shop.cover=1 AND image_shop.id_shop=1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il
ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image`
AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m
ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`
WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = 1
AND cp.`id_category` = 1127 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") ORDER BY p.`date_add` DESC
LIMIT 0,12
2.6 24 Yes /classes/Category.php:1010
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="DisplayOverrideTemplate"
2.6 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionFrontControllerSetMedia"
2.5 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
UPDATE `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page` SET `id_cache_page` = '120050',`page` = 'category',`id_object` = '1127',`id_product_attribute` = '0',`ip` = '',`file_cache` = '75c437eefc5543b55682f6da2b8248860e3721a9df02d61f01b78e42cd25d63a',`request_uri` = '/es/monster-695/',`id_shop` = '1',`id_lang` = '5',`id_currency` = '1',`id_country` = '21',`has_customer` = '0',`has_cart` = '0',`click` = '1',`file_size` = '179.94',`user_agent` = '',`date_add` = '2025-01-16 02:48:30',`date_expired` = '2025-01-21 02:48:30' WHERE `id_cache_page` = 120050
2.4 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:718
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionFrontControllerAfterInit"
2.4 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayHeader"
2.2 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE h.id_hook, as h_name, title, description, h.position, hm.position as hm_position, m.id_module,, active
FROM `ps_hook_module` hm
STRAIGHT_JOIN `ps_hook` h ON (h.id_hook = hm.id_hook AND hm.id_shop = 1)
STRAIGHT_JOIN `ps_module` as m ON (m.id_module = hm.id_module)
ORDER BY hm.position
2.2 558 /classes/Hook.php:413
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayFooterBefore"
2.1 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionOutputHTMLBefore"
2.1 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayLeftColumn"
2.1 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionProductSearchAfter"
2 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="displayFooterAfter"
2 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT INTO `ps_connections` (`id_guest`, `id_page`, `ip_address`, `http_referer`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`, `date_add`) VALUES ('226495', '45116', '2890391457', '', '1', '1', '2025-01-16 02:48:30')
2 1 /classes/ObjectModel.php:551
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="actionDispatcher"
1.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page_hook` set id_cache_page="120050", hook_name="overrideLayoutTemplate"
1.9 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:389
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10064268 AND `id_shop` = 1
1.5 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_hook`, `name`
FROM `ps_hook`
SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name
FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha
INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON =
1.5 0 /classes/Hook.php:200
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE, ml.url_rewrite, ml.id_lang
FROM `ps_meta` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_meta_lang` ml ON (m.id_meta = ml.id_meta AND ml.id_shop = 1 )
ORDER BY LENGTH(ml.url_rewrite) DESC
1.2 231 Yes /classes/Dispatcher.php:634
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "tdsearchblock" LIMIT 1
1.2 0 /classes/module/Module.php:2752
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 5 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 359 AND c.`nright` >= 360 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1061 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
1.1 531 Yes /classes/Category.php:1538
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module_shop` WHERE `id_module` = 0 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
1 0 /classes/module/Module.php:2277
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10022271 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t.id_template, t.template_filters AS filters, t.additional_settings, AS lang
FROM ps_af_templates t
LEFT JOIN ps_af_templates_lang tl
ON tl.id_template = t.id_template AND tl.id_shop = t.id_shop AND tl.id_lang = 5
INNER JOIN `ps_af_category_templates` ct
ON ct.id_template = t.id_template AND ct.id_shop = t.id_shop
AND ct.`id_category` IN (1127, 0)
WHERE = 1 AND t.template_controller = 'category'
AND t.id_shop = 1
ORDER BY  ct.`id_category` DESC, t.id_template DESC LIMIT 1
0.9 2 Yes /modules/amazzingfilter/amazzingfilter.php:3636
(SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr
LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 5) WHERE cr.`id_customer` = 0  AND NOW() BETWEEN cr.date_from AND cr.date_to
AND cr.`active` = 1
AND free_shipping = 1 AND carrier_restriction = 1) UNION (SELECT * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr
LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 5) WHERE cr.`group_restriction` = 1  AND NOW() BETWEEN cr.date_from AND cr.date_to
AND cr.`active` = 1
AND free_shipping = 1 AND carrier_restriction = 1)
0.9 1 /classes/CartRule.php:400
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.8 101 /classes/module/Module.php:305
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_address`
WHERE `id_customer` = 0
AND `deleted` = 0
0.8 200 /classes/CartRule.php:467
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10043732 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.8 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10017127 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.7 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_cache_page FROM `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page`
WHERE page="category" 
AND id_lang="5"
AND id_country = "21"
AND id_currency = "1"
AND id_shop="1"
AND user_agent=""
AND date_add > "2025-01-16 02:33:30"AND id_object="1127" AND has_customer=0 AND has_cart=0 LIMIT 1
0.7 5 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:273
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10064267
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.7 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.7 101 /classes/module/Module.php:305
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10064267) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10043732 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10043732 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.7 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_to >= "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_to <= "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from >= "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_from <= "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from < "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_to > "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1
0.7 1 /classes/CartRule.php:341
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10056959 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10060948) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.6 6 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10060948) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.6 6 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10064267 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10060948
0.6 7 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10064267
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.6 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM ps_cart_product cp INNER JOIN ps_product p
ON (p.id_product = cp.id_product) INNER JOIN ps_product_shop ps
ON (ps.id_shop = cp.id_shop AND ps.id_product = p.id_product) WHERE cp.id_cart=0 LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/Cart.php:4013
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_address`
WHERE `id_customer` = 0
AND `deleted` = 0
0.6 200 /classes/CartRule.php:467
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10022265 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10043732
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.6 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10064268 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
FROM `ps_arseopro_meta` t
LEFT JOIN `ps_arseopro_meta_rel` `mr` ON t.id_rule = mr.id_rule
WHERE (mr.rel_object IN (0, '1127') AND t.id_lang IN(0, 5) AND t.rule_type = 'category' AND t.status = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /modules/arseopro/classes/meta/models/ArSeoProMetaTable.php:127
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(cp.`id_product`) AS total
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` cp ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_category` = 1127 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") AND product_shop.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.6 24 /classes/Category.php:939
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10057059
0.6 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.6 101 /classes/module/Module.php:305
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_address`
WHERE `id_customer` = 0
AND `deleted` = 0
0.6 200 /classes/CartRule.php:467
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) as last_update, filepath FROM `ps_smarty_lazy_cache`
WHERE `template_hash`='5828388db4bc450c21e463ddcb9b23a2' AND cache_id="stcolorname|1|1|1|5|1|21" AND compile_id="" LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /classes/Smarty/SmartyCustom.php:216
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10043833 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.6 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10064267) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.6 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
(SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr
LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 5) WHERE cr.`id_customer` = 0  AND NOW() BETWEEN cr.date_from AND cr.date_to
AND cr.`active` = 1
AND cr.`quantity` > 0 AND highlight = 1 AND code NOT LIKE "BO_ORDER_%") UNION (SELECT * FROM `ps_cart_rule` cr
LEFT JOIN `ps_cart_rule_lang` crl ON (cr.`id_cart_rule` = crl.`id_cart_rule` AND crl.`id_lang` = 5) WHERE cr.`group_restriction` = 1  AND NOW() BETWEEN cr.date_from AND cr.date_to
AND cr.`active` = 1
AND cr.`quantity` > 0 AND highlight = 1 AND code NOT LIKE "BO_ORDER_%")
0.6 1 /classes/CartRule.php:400
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10056959) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.6 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10060946) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.6 2 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(DISTINCT c.id_currency) FROM `ps_currency` c
LEFT JOIN ps_currency_shop cs ON (cs.id_currency = c.id_currency AND cs.id_shop = 1)
WHERE c.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.6 3 /classes/Currency.php:661
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10057059 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10057059 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.6 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10064268
ORDER BY `position`
0.6 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10022271 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10022271 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_address`
WHERE `id_customer` = 0
AND `deleted` = 0
0.5 200 /classes/CartRule.php:467
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10017127 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10017127 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10060946 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.5 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10057059
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE s.id_shop, CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri) AS uri, su.domain, su.main
FROM ps_shop_url su
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop)
WHERE (su.domain = '' OR su.domain_ssl = '')
AND = 1
AND s.deleted = 0
ORDER BY LENGTH(CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri)) DESC
0.5 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:345
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10060947) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 2 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10060946
0.5 3 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10060948 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.5 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10060948
ORDER BY `position`
0.5 4 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10022265 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10022265 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE gs.*, s.*, AS group_name, AS shop_name,, su.domain, su.domain_ssl, su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri
FROM ps_shop_group gs
LEFT JOIN ps_shop s
ON s.id_shop_group = gs.id_shop_group
LEFT JOIN ps_shop_url su
ON s.id_shop = su.id_shop AND su.main = 1
WHERE s.deleted = 0
AND gs.deleted = 0
0.5 1 Yes /classes/shop/Shop.php:704
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10057059) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10017127
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10064267
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10022265) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10064267) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10022271) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_country`
FROM `ps_country`
WHERE `iso_code` = 'US' LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/Country.php:192
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.*  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 5 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`nleft` <= 359 AND c.`nright` >= 360 AND c.`nleft` >= 2 AND c.`nright` <= 1061 ORDER BY `nleft` DESC
0.5 531 Yes /classes/Category.php:1538
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10043732
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10043833) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
FROM `ps_tax_rule` tr
JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` trg ON (tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = trg.`id_tax_rules_group`)
WHERE trg.`active` = 1
AND tr.`id_country` = 21
AND tr.`id_tax_rules_group` = 61
AND tr.`id_state` IN (0, 0)
AND ('0' BETWEEN tr.`zipcode_from` AND tr.`zipcode_to`
OR (tr.`zipcode_to` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` IN(0, '0')))
ORDER BY tr.`zipcode_from` DESC, tr.`zipcode_to` DESC, tr.`id_state` DESC, tr.`id_country` DESC
0.5 1 Yes /classes/tax/TaxRulesTaxManager.php:108
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE `from` BETWEEN '2025-01-16 00:00:00' AND '2025-01-16 23:59:59' LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:358
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10017127) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10043833 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10043833 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10060947 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.5 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10017127) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10043732) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10060947
0.5 3 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10064268) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10022265
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 5 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10057059) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.5 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cp.`id_product` as id
FROM `ps_category_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_category` = 1127
ORDER BY `position` ASC
0.5 24 /classes/Category.php:1955
FROM `ps_country` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_country_lang` `b` ON a.`id_country` = b.`id_country` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_country_shop` `c` ON a.`id_country` = c.`id_country` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_country` = 10) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10017127
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.5 7 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
FROM `ps_manufacturer` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_lang` `b` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = b.`id_manufacturer` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_shop` `c` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = c.`id_manufacturer` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_manufacturer` = 77) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10064267 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10064267 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.5 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_fbpsc_connector_position`
0.5 7 /modules/facebookpsconnect/lib/module-dao_class.php:366
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE *, ( IF (`id_group` = 1, 2, 0) +  IF (`id_country` = 21, 4, 0) +  IF (`id_currency` = 1, 8, 0) +  IF (`id_shop` = 1, 16, 0) +  IF (`id_customer` = 0, 32, 0)) AS `score`
FROM `ps_specific_price`
`id_shop` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_currency` IN (0, 1) AND
`id_country` IN (0, 21) AND
`id_group` IN (0, 1) AND `id_product` = 10060946 AND `id_customer` = 0 AND `id_product_attribute` = 0 AND `id_cart` = 0  AND (`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' >= `from`) AND (`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2025-01-16 00:00:00' <= `to`)
AND IF(`from_quantity` > 1, `from_quantity`, 0) <= 1 ORDER BY `id_product_attribute` DESC, `id_cart` DESC, `from_quantity` DESC, `id_specific_price_rule` ASC, `score` DESC, `to` DESC, `from` DESC LIMIT 1
0.5 1 Yes /classes/SpecificPrice.php:549
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10022271
0.5 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10057059) LIMIT 1
0.5 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_cms` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_lang` `b` ON a.`id_cms` = b.`id_cms` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_cms_shop` `c` ON a.`id_cms` = c.`id_cms` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_cms` = 1) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10060947) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE `level_depth` = 1
0.4 4 /classes/Category.php:2130
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10043732) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.4 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `value` FROM ps_ce_meta WHERE `id` = 24010000 AND `name` = "_elementor_page_settings" LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /modules/creativeelements/classes/wrappers/Post.php:273
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module` WHERE `name` = "tmsearch" LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/module/Module.php:2752
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pa.`id_product`, a.`color`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, 0 qty, a.`id_attribute`, al.`name`, IF(color = "", a.id_attribute, color) group_by
FROM `ps_product_attribute` pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac ON (pac.`id_product_attribute` = product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON (a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`)
JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON (a.id_attribute_group = ag.`id_attribute_group`)
WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (10056959) AND ag.`is_color_group` = 1
GROUP BY pa.`id_product`, a.`id_attribute`, `group_by`
ORDER BY a.`position` ASC;
0.4 1 Yes Yes /classes/Product.php:3860
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10022265)
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10060946
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
LEFT JOIN ps_order_cart_rule ocr ON (ocr.id_order = o.id_order)
WHERE o.id_customer = 0
AND ocr.id_cart_rule = 1154 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/order/Order.php:822
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10022271) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10022265
0.4 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1139) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10043833
0.4 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cl.`id_category`, c.is_root_category FROM `ps_category_lang` cl LEFT JOIN `ps_category` c ON cl.id_category = c.id_category LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` cs ON cs.id_category = c.id_category WHERE cl.`id_shop` = 1 AND cs.id_shop = 1 AND (cl.`link_rewrite` = "monster-695" OR cl.`link_rewrite` = "monster-695") AND cl.`id_lang` = 5 LIMIT 1
0.4 3 /modules/arseopro/classes/url/ArSeoProURLCategory.php:113
FROM `ps_connections`
WHERE `id_guest` = 226495
AND `date_add` > '2025-01-16 02:18:00'
AND id_shop IN (1) 
ORDER BY `date_add` DESC LIMIT 1
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Connection.php:163
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060948 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060948 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10043833
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10043732
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.4 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_product_lang` pl
WHERE (pl.id_product = 10060946) AND (pl.id_lang = 5 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:6393
FROM `ps_tax` a
WHERE (a.`id_tax` = 53) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
(SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_to >= "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_to <= "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from >= "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_from <= "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1)UNION ALL (SELECT 1 FROM `ps_cart_rule` WHERE date_from < "2025-01-16 00:00:00" AND date_to > "2025-01-16 23:59:59" AND `id_customer` IN (0,0) LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/CartRule.php:341
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10056959 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10056959 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10056959
0.4 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE m.`id_module`, m.`name`, ms.`id_module`as `mshop`
FROM `ps_module` m
LEFT JOIN `ps_module_shop` ms
ON m.`id_module` = ms.`id_module`
AND ms.`id_shop` = 1
0.4 101 /classes/module/Module.php:305
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10022271
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 5 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_hook_alias`
0.4 83 /classes/Hook.php:244
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10043833) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE l.*, ls.`id_shop`
FROM `ps_lang` l
LEFT JOIN `ps_lang_shop` ls ON (l.id_lang = ls.id_lang)
0.4 5 /classes/Language.php:882
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060947 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060947 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10056959
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.4 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pai.`id_image`, pai.`id_product_attribute`, il.`legend`
FROM `ps_product_attribute_image` pai
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (il.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` i ON (i.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
WHERE pai.`id_product_attribute` IN (26384, 26385) AND il.`id_lang` = 5 ORDER by i.`position`
0.4 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:2483
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10017127) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10064268) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_currency` c
INNER JOIN ps_currency_shop currency_shop
ON (currency_shop.id_currency = c.id_currency AND currency_shop.id_shop = 1) WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND c.`active` = 1 ORDER BY `iso_code` ASC
0.4 3 Yes /classes/Currency.php:302
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE domain, domain_ssl
FROM ps_shop_url
WHERE main = 1
AND id_shop = 1 LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /classes/shop/ShopUrl.php:173
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10057059
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10022265) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 723) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10043732
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10043833 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1154) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10064267 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10064268) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pac.`id_product_attribute`, al.`name` AS attribute_name
FROM `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON ag.`id_attribute_group` = a.`id_attribute_group`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (
a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute`
AND al.`id_lang` = 5
WHERE pac.`id_product_attribute` = 26384
0.4 2 /modules/cdc_googletagmanager/services/PrestashopUtils.php:73
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10060947 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10057059 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.4 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10057059
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.4 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10022271)
0.4 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 2) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 63316
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060947 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 63316
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060947 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
FROM `ps_ce_template` a
WHERE (a.`id_ce_template` = 24) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10022271
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 26384
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060946 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 26384
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060946 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.4 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10064267
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1095) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.4 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10060947
ORDER BY `position`
0.4 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pai.`id_image`, pai.`id_product_attribute`, il.`legend`
FROM `ps_product_attribute_image` pai
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (il.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` i ON (i.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
WHERE pai.`id_product_attribute` IN (32262, 32263, 32264, 32265, 32266, 32267) AND il.`id_lang` = 5 ORDER by i.`position`
0.3 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:2483
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10057059)
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10060946) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10017127 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060946 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060946 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10056959
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_group` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_group_shop` `c` ON a.`id_group` = c.`id_group` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_group` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1156) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10064268 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10064268 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 22) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `value` FROM ps_ce_meta WHERE `id` = 24010000 AND `name` = "_elementor_css" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /modules/creativeelements/classes/wrappers/Post.php:273
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10022265
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10022265
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_arseopro_canonical_category` WHERE `id_category`=1127 AND `id_lang`=5 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /modules/arseopro/classes/canonical/ArSeoProCanonicalCategory.php:50
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10043732)
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10060948
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 4 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity) + SUM(pack_quantity), 0) as deep_quantity,
COALESCE(SUM(first_level_quantity), 0) as quantity
FROM (SELECT cp.`quantity` as first_level_quantity, 0 as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 32262
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND cp.`id_product` = 10060948 UNION SELECT 0 as first_level_quantity, cp.`quantity` * p.`quantity` as pack_quantity
FROM `ps_cart_product` cp JOIN `ps_pack` p ON cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product_pack` JOIN `ps_product` pr ON p.`id_product_pack` = pr.`id_product`
WHERE cp.`id_product_attribute` = 32262
AND cp.`id_customization` = 0
AND cp.`id_cart` = 0 AND p.`id_product_item` = 10060948 AND (pr.`pack_stock_type` IN (1,2) OR (
pr.`pack_stock_type` = 3
AND 1 = 1
))) as q LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/Cart.php:1234
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10017127
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10060948
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.3 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.*, cl.`id_lang`, cl.`name`, cl.`description`, cl.`link_rewrite`, cl.`meta_title`, cl.`meta_keywords`, cl.`meta_description`
FROM `ps_category` c
INNER JOIN ps_category_shop category_shop
ON (category_shop.id_category = c.id_category AND category_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = 5  AND cl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)
WHERE `id_parent` = 1127
AND `active` = 1
AND cg.`id_group` =1
GROUP BY c.`id_category`
ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, category_shop.`position` ASC
0.3 1 Yes Yes /classes/Category.php:872
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='template' LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Smarty/SmartyCustom.php:143
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(*) FROM ps_lgcomments_productcomments WHERE id_product = 10064267   AND active = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /modules/lgcomments/classes/LGProductComment.php:72
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute
FROM ps_product_attribute pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.id_product = 10017127 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:845
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`nleft`, c.`nright`  FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl
ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`
AND `id_lang` = 5 AND cl.id_shop = 1 ) WHERE c.`id_category` = 1127 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Category.php:1523
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 157) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10043732 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10060946
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.3 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
FROM `ps_page`
WHERE `id_page_type` = 4 AND `id_object` = 1127 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Page.php:80
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10017127
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10060946) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_image_type` WHERE 1 AND `products` = 1  ORDER BY `width` DESC, `height` DESC, `name`ASC
0.3 8 Yes /classes/ImageType.php:109
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10060948
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 32262
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 3 /classes/Product.php:6176
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute
FROM ps_product_attribute pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.id_product = 10043833 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:845
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10022271
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1125) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang`
WHERE `id_product` = 10060946 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 7 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10043732) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 15) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1166) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE content FROM ps_lgcookieslaw_lang WHERE id_lang = 5 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /modules/lgcookieslaw/lgcookieslaw.php:161
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pai.`id_image`, pai.`id_product_attribute`, il.`legend`
FROM `ps_product_attribute_image` pai
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (il.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` i ON (i.`id_image` = pai.`id_image`)
WHERE pai.`id_product_attribute` IN (63316, 63317) AND il.`id_lang` = 5 ORDER by i.`position`
0.3 2 Yes /classes/Product.php:2483
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10060946
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 26384
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 2 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 737) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10056959
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10064268
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.3 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 1
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1127) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10043732
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1107) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10056959) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 67 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 4 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10043833
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_category_lang`
WHERE `id_category` = 201 AND `id_shop` = 1
0.3 4 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:82
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, value, pf.id_feature, f.position
FROM ps_feature_product pf
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON (fl.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON (fvl.id_feature_value = pf.id_feature_value AND fvl.id_lang = 5)
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON (f.id_feature = pf.id_feature AND fl.id_lang = 5)
INNER JOIN ps_feature_shop feature_shop
ON (feature_shop.id_feature = f.id_feature AND feature_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pf.id_product = 10060947
ORDER BY f.position ASC
0.3 6 Yes /classes/Product.php:4952
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1135) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang` pl
WHERE (pl.id_product = 10060948) AND (pl.id_lang = 5 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:6393
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10057059
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10022265
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 188) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE id_product = 10043732 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:416
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10043833) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 67) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
JOIN ps_lang_shop lang_shop ON (lang_shop.id_lang = l.id_lang AND lang_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE l.`active` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 5 /classes/Language.php:1029
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 196) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1094) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE id_product = 10057059 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:416
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `ps_hook_alias`
0.3 83 /classes/Hook.php:270
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10017127)
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10060947) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_product_attribute`
FROM `ps_product_attribute`
WHERE `id_product` = 10064268
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:2465
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 766) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10056959
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10022271
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_cache_page FROM `ps_ets_superspeed_cache_page` WHERE file_cache = "75c437eefc5543b55682f6da2b8248860e3721a9df02d61f01b78e42cd25d63a" AND id_shop="1" LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /modules/ets_superspeed/classes/cache.php:302
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE id_product = 0 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:407
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id_page_type
FROM ps_page_type
WHERE name = 'category' LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Page.php:100
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10043833
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_product_attribute`
FROM `ps_product_attribute`
WHERE `id_product` = 10022265
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:2465
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10060947
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 63316
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 2 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 187) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 98) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
IFNULL(sa.quantity, 0) as quantity,
'2025-01-16 00:00:00',
) > 0) as new
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON pl.id_product = p.id_product
AND pl.id_shop = 1
AND pl.id_lang = 5
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON sa.id_product = p.id_product 
AND sa.id_shop = 1
WHERE p.id_product = 10064268
0.3 1 /classes/ProductAssembler.php:90
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `b` ON a.`id_product` = b.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10060948) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_manufacturer` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_lang` `b` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = b.`id_manufacturer` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_shop` `c` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = c.`id_manufacturer` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_manufacturer` = 90) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_currency` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_currency_shop` `c` ON a.`id_currency` = c.`id_currency` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_currency` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_state` a
WHERE (a.`id_state` = 130) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_module` FROM `ps_module_shop` WHERE `id_module` = 0 AND `id_shop` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/module/Module.php:2277
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 95) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`cover`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, i.`position`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10017127
ORDER BY `position`
0.3 1 Yes /classes/Product.php:3042
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 210) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE pac.`id_product_attribute`, al.`name` AS attribute_name
FROM `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` a ON a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group` ag ON ag.`id_attribute_group` = a.`id_attribute_group`
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al ON (
a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute`
AND al.`id_lang` = 5
WHERE pac.`id_product_attribute` = 32262
0.3 3 /modules/cdc_googletagmanager/services/PrestashopUtils.php:73
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 201) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `priority`, `id_specific_price_priority`
FROM `ps_specific_price_priority`
WHERE `id_product` = 10064267
ORDER BY `id_specific_price_priority` DESC LIMIT 1
0.3 0 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:246
FROM `ps_product` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.`id_product` = c.`id_product` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_product` = 10022271) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 100) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_flush) as last_flush FROM `ps_smarty_last_flush` WHERE type='compile' LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Smarty/SmartyCustom.php:96
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_shop.`price`, product_shop.`ecotax`,
IFNULL(product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute,0) id_product_attribute, product_attribute_shop.`price` AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` `product_shop` ON (product_shop.id_product=p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `product_attribute_shop` ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE (p.`id_product` = 10064267)
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3342
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1117) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE a.`id_attribute`, a.`id_attribute_group`, al.`name`, agl.`name` as `group`, pa.`reference`, pa.`ean13`, pa.`isbn`,pa.`upc`
FROM `ps_attribute` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` al
ON (al.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute` AND al.`id_lang` = 5)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` pac
ON (pac.`id_attribute` = a.`id_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` pa
ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`)
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` agl
ON (a.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group` AND agl.`id_lang` = 5)
WHERE pa.`id_product` = 10043833
AND pac.`id_product_attribute` = 0
AND agl.`id_lang` = 5
0.3 0 /classes/Product.php:6176
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 757) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE image_shop.`id_image`
FROM `ps_image` i
INNER JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop
ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE i.`id_product` = 10064267
AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:3064
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 10043833) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:441
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE id_product = 10056959 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:416
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE crc.id_cart_rule
FROM ps_cart_rule_country crc
WHERE crc.id_cart_rule = 1154
AND crc.id_country = 10 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/CartRule.php:477
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute
FROM ps_product_attribute pa
INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop
ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = pa.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1)
WHERE pa.id_product = 10064267 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:845
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1106) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name FROM ps_category_lang WHERE id_shop = 1 AND id_lang = 5 AND id_category = 200 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:4725
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE cl.`link_rewrite`
FROM `ps_category_lang` cl
WHERE `id_lang` = 5
AND cl.id_shop = 1 
AND cl.`id_category` = 38 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Category.php:1322
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1165) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1158) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_manufacturer` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_lang` `b` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = b.`id_manufacturer` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_shop` `c` ON a.`id_manufacturer` = c.`id_manufacturer` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_manufacturer` = 86) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang` pl
WHERE (pl.id_product = 10017127) AND (pl.id_lang = 5 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:6393
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1122) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 184) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_product_lang` pl
WHERE (pl.id_product = 10064268) AND (pl.id_lang = 5 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/Product.php:6393
FROM `ps_stock_available`
WHERE (id_product = 10043732) AND (id_product_attribute = 0) AND (id_shop = 1) AND (id_shop_group = 0) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/stock/StockAvailable.php:441
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 756) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1 FROM `ps_specific_price` WHERE id_product = 10022271 LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /classes/SpecificPrice.php:416
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 1103) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75
FROM `ps_category` a
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` `b` ON a.`id_category` = b.`id_category` AND b.`id_lang` = 5
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` `c` ON a.`id_category` = c.`id_category` AND c.`id_shop` = 1
WHERE (a.`id_category` = 743) AND (b.`id_shop` = 1) LIMIT 1
0.3 1 /src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php:75